Friday 16 August 2013

Penultimate Performance

Today we completed our second-to-last show at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. The time's disappeared and our show is hopefully making the impact we intended it to.

We had our biggest reaction from our audience today, with a couple of girls really connecting with our work and seeming to have minor breakdowns in front of us. Speaking to them afterwards, they were moved so much that they were desperate to make a difference.

Seeing these reactions - whilst being somewhat harrowing for us - is exactly why we came here, so we are very much pleased that our message is being heard.

We are also collecting a number of these reactions on tape so we have a permanent record of what people are saying, which we are posting up on our Facebook and YouTube. And at some point soon, we should have a trailer of the show, as we are recording our performances as well.

Tomorrow is our last day, so we're going to throw everything at it, and return home triumphant.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Audience Reactions

In the face of a barrage of bleary-eyed and emotional audience members, we thought we'd start recording some reactions to brag about the show.

Below are a couple of videos, filmed on Saturday and Monday, respectively.

Thank you so much to the guys who agreed to go on camera to advocate our show, and for spreading the word for us, helping us bring in bigger audiences every day.

Five more performances to go, let's see if we can go out with a bang.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Street Show

Our audiences are growing, but our promotion is relentless. Onto our second box of flyers and our posters are rapidly depleting.

We have also had our first street show, in which we attempt to convey something of the drama involved in Chaos By Design into a 20-minute slot on a busy high street.

Emmanuel did a great job rallying up some atmosphere and creating a buzz around our stage, and as we flyered the gathering crowds, I hope that our message got across;


Photos from Melissa Farrington:

Sunday 4 August 2013


We have had a day away from the venue today, so notes have been exchanged and a few more final creases have been ironed out. In our time off, we shot ourselves some photographs just to give us something for reviewers and journalists to use, as well as giving us some more visuals to use on our social media.

We had booked a photographer to come, but in the radio silence from that arrangement we did a few photos ourselves. I think they've turned out quite well:

Back on it tomorrow, we should be getting some reviewers through the doors soon as Benedict and Raynar spent hours queueing yesterday to get our voices heard. From what I've been told, they did a pretty good job of it, too.

Friday 2 August 2013

Tech & First Run

We have completed our first show!

Our tech run last night was as hectic as we thought it might be, getting used to the space and restaging to suit the corner stage, as well as trying to work out what we needed to do with lighting for the first time.

Leading into our first show this afternoon, we were a little apprehensive but excited to get going. Benedict's voice has been fading worryingly for the past couple of days, so we've had her chain-drinking honey & lemon, only breaking to suck on boiled sweets and gargle salt water.

Thankfully, whilst the rest of us shamelessly flyered with Emmanuel providing a African drumbeat, Bene's voice recovered and got her through this afternoon's performance.


I'm finally feeling like we're at the fringe; standing amongst the hundreds of other well-meaning-yet-inevitably-desperate creative people on the Royal Mile, I fell back in love with the atmosphere of this magical place.

Bene and Raynar are out meeting the media and hoping to raise a bit of hubbub around us tomorrow morning, whilst the rest of us will continue to pace the streets, flyers in hand.

Show 2 tomorrow, before a day off on Sunday.